Why take courses in World Studies, Family Studies or Social Studies?
Our role is to bring the past, present, and future of both Canada and the World into our classrooms. We do this through a great array of courses which include History (Canadian, Ancient, American, Modern Western), Geography (Canadian, Physical, World Issues, Travel and Tourism), Law, Economics, and Civics.
Please do not hesitate to contact any of our department's teachers with questions or concerns you may have.
Critical Areas of Learning
As the Ontario Curriculum states, "The study of geography, history, economics, law, and politics is not a matter of memorizing a series of facts. Rather it teaches students to assess how events, ideas, and values affect society." Courses in Canadian and World Studies involve students in research, critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making and help them develop strong communication skills, including oral communication, reading, and writing skills and the ability to use information technology to collect, organize, interpret, and present information. Students can apply the skills they acquire in Canadian and World Studies in their other secondary school subjects, as well as in their post-secondary studies and in today's changing work place.
Important Links
For a full list of courses offered visit:
Canadian and World Studies
Native Studies
Social Sciences and Humanities