Message for Families - Covid Protocol Changes - March 9 2022
User Not Found | Mar 10, 2022
Dear DSBN Students and Families:
Today, the Ministry of Education announced changes to current health and safety protocols in schools. These changes align with measures taking place in the communities across Ontario. Although there are start dates associated with the changes, we will be taking a gradual, phased-in approach to ensure we are returning to past routines in an organized and thoughtful way that fits our school communities.
Stage One – March 21 – First Day Back from March Break
Stage One will be focused on the processes we currently have in place for the inside of our school, and what we will do to ease into changing some routines.
• As part of Stage One, masks for students and staff will be optional. Masks will be an individual choice and anyone who wishes to wear one will be supported. Masks will also be optional for student transportation.
• Students and families will no longer be required to complete the daily online self-screening.
Everyone is encouraged to continue to do their own self-screening and stay home when they are sick. For your convenience, the link to the Ontario Covid-19 School Screening will remain available on the DSBN website. Although some health and safety protocols are being lifted, there are many that will continue to be in place for the rest of the school year. These include:
• Hand hygiene, and cough and sneeze etiquette
• Regular cleaning protocols
• Reporting of daily absences by schools
• Ventilation best-practices in schools
• Schools will report 30% absences to Niagara Region Public Health