User Not Found | Jan 02, 2021
🔵 Information for Virtual School Students:
Students in the Virtual School will continue with their regular programming. Parents were sent an email on December 30, 2020 from their school administrator with more information about next week.
🔴 Information for Secondary Students:
Schools will remain closed for three weeks until students return to in-person learning on January 25, 2021. During this closure period, all students will participate in online learning.
Secondary schools will continue to follow the daily schedule posted with one course a day. Students will need to check their D2L Brightspace or Google classrooms for directions from their period teacher each day and must log in by 10:30 am to be marked present. Teachers will provide synchronous and asynchronous learning opportunities to students during regular instructional hours.
Details About Specialty programs:
- Coop students will not be attending placements and will receive directions from their teacher
- Home Build students will not be participating in the Home Build and will receive directions from their teacher
- Dig IT students will receive directions from their teacher
- Niagara Link students will receive directions from their teacher
- Connecting to College programs will continue online as usual
- Alternative Education programs will transition to online learning and students will receive directions from their teacher
- eLearning courses continue as usual
If you have any questions or need any assistance, please contact your teacher after the winter break. If you need a device or other support, please contact your school administrator.
COVID-19 Safety Protocols
As we have since schools opened in September, we are following strict protocols to keep our students and staff safe. This includes ongoing cleaning of high touch points throughout the school, daily self-screening, restricting entry to the school, and wearing protective equipment.
In December 2020, Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. David Williams confirmed that the transmission of COVID-19 in schools has remained low, and schools continue to be a place for students to learn safely. We would like to thank all our families for their diligence in working with us to support COVID-19 safety protocols. Working together to follow the provincial protocols gives everyone the best chance of being successful against this virus.