Staff Login 905-991-1132 1640 Garrison Rd Fort Erie, ON L2A 5M4

Breakfast Club 2019-2020

by User Not Found | Sep 05, 2019

Breakfast club opens Monday September 16th at 7:45!

Our club serves 50-60 students a day during breakfast club and throughout
 the day.  Through generous support by Niagara Nutrition Partners we do receive funding, but we are always looking for support from other sources to keep our expenses within our yearly budget.  We are happy to receive donations of the following items:
Mini Wheats cereal
Multi grain Cheerios cereal
Shreddies Cereal
Quaker Oatmeal Squares cereal
Multigrain Life Cereal
*Please try to adhere to the above list as our guidelines are quite specific and take a peek at the expiry date.* Thanks!